Preschool & daycare options
A community preschool called Tigerland is operated by our Battle Ground Community Education program on the campus of Captain Strong Primary, 1002 N.W. Sixth Ave; Battle Ground. The preschool serves children ages 3-5.
Battle Ground High School Preschool
Battle Ground Preschool serves children ages 3-5 and is located at Battle Ground High School, 300 W. Main St. It is an inclusive preschool that serves children in a setting with high school students.
Prairie Preschool serves children ages 3-5 and is located at Prairie High School, 11311 NE 119th St. It is an inclusive preschool that serves children in a setting with high school students.
Preschools for children with special needs
Battle Ground Public Schools offers early intervention programs and services for children ages 3-5 who are identified for special services. These preschool classrooms are at Daybreak Primary and Tukes Valley Primary schools.
If you have a child who you think might have a disability that requires special education services, please call the district’s Special Services office at 360-885-5318 for screening and program information.
Childcare resources in Clark County