Title I and Learning Assistance Program
Learning support programs
Through the Title 1 and Learning Assistance Program, Battle Ground Public Schools supports students struggling to meet academic standards and graduation requirements. Title I and LAP programs include reading support for primary students, instructional support for middle schoolers and graduation support for high schoolers.
Learn more about Title 1 by downloading the brochure
English – Russian – SpanishLearn more about the Learning Assistance Program
Professional qualifications of teachers and paraeducators
Parents of children attending Title I and Part A schools have the right to request and receive information about the qualifications of the educators who teach students’ core subjects – reading, English language arts and math. The same applies to paraprofessionals who provide instruction to students.
Contact information
Lynnell Murray, Director of Federal Programs
Heidi Lammers, Title I/LAP Coordinator
Jessica Davis, LSP Facilitator
Citizen complaint against Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
A citizen complaint is a statement that OSPI has violated a federal or state law or regulation that applies to a federal program. Anyone can file a complaint; there is no special form. Learn more.