Capital Levy

Local voters approved the capital levy with 52.13% yes votes. Collection will begin in 2025.
What the levy will pay for
Ongoing security improvements
Repair to roofs nearing the end of their warranty
Fixes or replacement of aging heating/cooling systems
Create or update spaces for construction trades, culinary and health sciences classes
Updates to aging technology and technology infrastructure

Capital Levy - February project update
Battle Ground Public Schools is now receiving funding from the three-year capital levy approved by voters in February 2024. We plan to provide updates as projects funded by that capital levy start to take shape.
One such project includes the installation of ShakeAlarm early earthquake warning equipment in our buildings. These boxes, connected to a large network of seismic monitors, are designed to trigger a warning in the event a quake of 5.0 magnitude or higher is detected. The system can provide up to a minute of warning in the event of an earthquake, potentially saving lives and improving response times.
At the Feb. 24 board meeting, the directors approved contracts to replace roofs at the Chief Umtuch, Daybreak and Tukes Valley campuses. Since they were built nearly 20 years ago, seams on the existing roofs have gradually failed, allowing water to seep into the insulation below. The new roofs are designed to last up to 30 years and resist similar issues with seams failing. Addressing the roofs now will ensure the usable life of the buildings extends well out into the future. Additional roof projects are scheduled for other buildings in the future.
The district also recently approved the purchase of 1,600 Chromebook computers. These Chromebooks will replace obsolete models that can no longer be updated or are no longer repairable. In addition, our tech department has been busy replacing security cameras that were either non-functional or obsolete to improve coverage throughout the district.
Stay tuned for more updates on the capital levy in the near future and check out a list of other planned projects on the district website.

Project list and when the work will begin*
*Dependent on labor and material costs and availability.

Estimated capital levy rate
In 2023, the capital levy rate was estimated to be $0.44 per $1,000 of assessed property value each year when it began in 2025. That estimate was adjusted in 2025:
$0.46 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2025
$0.47 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2026
$0.48 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2027
Actual rates may change.
A $600,000 property that has a 3.5% annual increase in assessed value is estimated to pay the following amounts:
Year | Assessed value | *Est. annual payment for capital levy |
2025 | $600,000 | $276 |
2026 | $621,000 | $292 |
2027 | $643,000 | $309 |
*Estimate may change based on actual tax rate.