Earning Credit via Challenge Exam
Students must register no later than March 28, 2025. Late registrations will not be accepted. At all middle schools, BGVA, RHL, SVHS, and CAM, this signed application form and fee are turned in to the building registrar.
The assessment fee is $25.00 per .5 semester credit course and fees are non-refundable. Allow a minimum of 2 hours per exam. Students may take multiple exams but must pay for each .5 semester credit course they wish to challenge by the testing date.
English 9 and English 10 include a written performance task within each .5 credit course. The challenge exam and the written performance task may require more than 2 hours to complete. An exam may not be started within the last hour of each session.
Grades of B- through A must be earned in order to receive credit for a challenged course. The student/parent must initiate the process in order to have credits and grades posted to the student’s high school transcript. Be aware that credit or grade transfer may negatively impact the student’s grade point average and subsequent class rank.
Students may attempt the exams more than once on an annual basis, however a $25 fee is required for each .5 semester credit course attempted.