Replacement education and operations levy

Election date: April 22, 2025

If approved, this levy would take the place of the education and operations levy that expires at the end of 2025.
The levy would continue to provide programs, staff and materials for students that the state doesn't fully fund.

Teacher works with students in a primary classroom

Bus driver greets students

Middle school track meet

What the levy pays for

Levy dollars make up the difference between what the state provides for basic K-12 education and what it costs to educate 12,700 students and operate 19 schools.

Gaps between state funding and cost

Levies fill the gaps between state/federal funding and the cost of educating students.

Basic education: $13.5M gap

Safety, maintenance: $6.3M gap

Special education: $6.2M gap

Materials, supplies: $3.9M gap

Centralized & school admin support: $5.8M gap

Sports, activities: $1.6M gap

Mental health support: $1.5M gap

Technology support and transportation: $2M gap

Levy presentations

All presentations are open to the public. Childcare and light refreshments will be provided. For ASL services, please email at least five days prior to the presentation that you would like to attend.




Tuesday, April 8

5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Lewisville campus, room C-26, 406 NW Fifth Ave., Battle Ground, WA

Wednesday, April 16

5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Prairie High School media center

What is the estimated cost* for me?

This levy calculator builds in a 3.5% increase in assessed value each year. Property value increases do not generate additional revenue for the district. BGPS can collect only the amount that voters approve.

  • *The tax rates used in this calculator reflect the local school tax rates for property owners in Battle Ground Public Schools. State school taxes are not reflected. Future tax rates are estimates. The tax amount from this page is an estimate and not an official quote or tax record.

  • The capital levy began in 2025 and ends after 2027. If approved, the replacement education and operations levy would begin in 2026.

  • Assessed values are set by the Clark County assessor's office and may differ from market value. (Find the assessed value of your property.) Some people may be eligible for a property tax exemption.

  • See a detailed breakdown of local and state school taxes.

BGPS local school taxes compared to other districts in Clark County

Chart showing the tax rate comparison between Battle Ground and other Clark County districts. Battle Ground's rate is $2.14 and would be $2.42 if the levy is approved.

Click on image to enlarge

Frequently asked questions