Finance & Business Operations
BGPS Apportionment and Financial Services
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) publishes the most up-to-date information on the district’s apportionment, staff ratios, grants, special education allocation, enrollment, and budget information. Use the drop-down menu to select “Battle Ground” and click the “search” button. From here you can view reports by year.
Contact List:
Chief Financial Officer
Michelle Scott, CSBO (360) 885-5311 E-mail Michelle Scott
Director of Business & Risk Management
Cheri Dailey (360) 885-5381 E-mail Cheri Dailey
Accounts Payable Technician A – J
Anna Konovalchick (360) 885-5315 E-mail Anna Konovalchick
Accounts Payable Technician K – Z
Missy Grantham (360) 885-5354 E-mail Missy Grantham
ASB and General Accounting Technician
Malinda Rew (360) 885-5305 E-mail Malinda Rew
Benefits Specialist
Lynette Hofer (360) 885-5336 E-mail Lynette Hofer
Business Services Assistant
Donna Willis (360) 885-5425 E-mail Donna Willis
Facilities Use Agreement / Free & Reduced Application
Barbara Kujava (360) 885-5390E-mail Barbara Kujava
Lead Fiscal Accountant
Cindy Klemsz (360) 885-5406 E-mail Cindy Klemsz
Fiscal Specialist
Ruchel Loghry (360) 885-5312 E-mail Ruchel Loghry
Kelly Williams (360) 885-5316 E-mail Kelly Williams
Payroll Specialist
Jeanette Hendrix (360) 885-5371 E-mail Jeanette Hendrix
Sheina Martin (360) 885-5313 E-mail Sheina Martin
Student System Coordinator
Kim Primley (360) 885-5386 E-mail Kim Primley
Petra Sullivan (360) 885-5496 E-mail Petra Sullivan