The regular meeting began at 6 p.m. and included:
Agenda approval
Student voice from Glenwood Heights Primary, Prairie High School and River HomeLink.
Committee and board director reports
Superintendent and staff updates
Citizens’ comments
Approval of the consent agenda
Citizens' comments
New business: The board voted to approve the following items.
Superintendent hiring: Shelly Whitten was appointed the district's next superintendent, effective July 1. Whitten is currently the district's deputy superintendent. She will replace Denny Waters, who is retiring.
Revision of policy 3110 regarding qualifications of attendance and placement. This discontinues early entrance to kindergarten testing due to low participation. The data suggests that the process is not an effective tool for identifying students who are genuinely ready for early kindergarten. Meanwhile, the district now offers Transitional Kindergarten at every primary school, which provides a more developmentally appropriate option for younger children, supporting their academic and social growth while preparing them for kindergarten.
Contracts to replace roofing at
Chief Umtuch Middle School, Daybreak primary and middle schools and Tukes Valley primary and middle schools. Each of these projects is funded through the 2024 capital levy.
Future agenda items and board events
Next meeting
Monday, March 10, 2025
5 p.m. special meeting/executive session
6 p.m. regular meeting
Lewisville campus
406 NW 5th Ave., Battle Ground
The meeting also will be accessible virtually.