A graphic reading "what the levy pays for at high schools"

Battle Ground Public Schools is running a replacement education and operations levy on the April 22 special election ballot. Local levy funding makes up the difference between state funding and the real-world cost to educate students. For instance, at our two comprehensive high schools the levy funds:

  • Special education

  • Technology support

  • Custodial services

  • Multilingual support

  • Mental health support

  • Curriculum

  • Teachers

  • Safety 

  • Class sizes

  • Busing

  • The arts

  • Sports

  • Maintenance/grounds

  • Health/nursing and more

The replacement levy would allow the district to continue current service levels beyond 2025, when the existing education and operations levy expires. Please take the time to look over our levy information page, and consider attending one of two upcoming public forums to learn more about the levy and ask questions of district leadership. The first of those meetings will be on Tuesday, April 8, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Lewisville campus (406 NW 5th Ave., Battle Ground). Childcare and light refreshments will be provided.