All administration, changes, 2024-25, leadership, principals administration Activity Students 2023-24 Video kindergarten Transitional Kindergarten 2024-25 staff awards Daybreak Primary BGPS Bulletin Newsletter principal BG CAST Chief Umtuch Middle School Summit View High School Battle Ground Education Foundation Battle Ground Virtual Academy budget career and technical education work-based learning board meeting summary facilities Employee Recognition Award Laurin Middle School Battle Ground High School Captain Strong Primary Maple Grove Primary Prairie High School CAM Academy Tukes Valley Primary Tukes Valley Middle FCRC River HomeLink Yacolt Primary Glenwood Heights Primary print shop Pleasant Valley Primary Pleasant Valley Middle School board of directors attendance sports athletics Meals & Menus Nutrition BGTV Skyward language Amboy Middle School Middle School Sports Daybreak Middle School survey Career Fair trade school post graduation special education advisory committee Free and reduced meal benefits advanced placement academics AP Capstone Education and operations levy PTO drinking water Facilities and Operations drama program levy funded CTE Industry Fair Clue instructional materials committee curriculum cellphones start times dual credit Running Start Clark College Cascadia Tech Academy College in the High School PTA Event holiday donations charity ELA Chartwells Discovery Kitchen Cook-off competition fourth grade mental health esports First Student cheer CASEE Alternative Learning Experience ALE Open doors Future City STEM School nurse Counselor Psychologist Student supports superintendent reading literacy drama arts calendar
November 13, 2019
Battle Ground Public Schools plans to spend $14 million in levy funds over the next three years to improve schools and complete much needed projects. The capital projects will b...